The Port Jefferson Yacht Club, located in Port Jefferson Harbor, Long Island Sound, provides social and educational programs including a full schedule of sailing instruction for both children and adults. In addition, we offer both racing and cruising events throughout the season for sailors and power boaters.
Benefits of Membership
- Clubhouse is located within walking distance of historic Port Jefferson Village
- Bar open Friday Evenings year-round and selected weekends
- Private Harbor-side Parking
- Spectacular Harbor and Sunset views from our Club House
- Dock side Water, Ice & Power
- Shower Facilities
- Safe Storage for Kayaks, Paddle boards, Canoes and Dinghies
- Tuesday Night & Selected Saturdays Racing Program
- Membership Cruising Adventures
- Year-round Social Events
- Annual Village Cup Regatta Fund raiser for Pancreatic Cancer
- Annual Fishing Tournament
- Sailing Instruction for Children & Adults (Members and Non-Members)
The Club appoints a Membership Committee each year to meet with prospective members and provide them with information about the Club. The Membership Chairman is always pleased to speak with anyone interested gaining in further information about the club.
Membership Dues for 2024
(As approved December 10, 2023)
- Launch Members – $2,102 ($1500 Initiation Fee waived for 2024)
- $164 Capital assessment
- 10 hours of volunteer service per year
(or pay a $500 work assessment fee)
- Non-Launch Members – $1,310 ($1500 Initiation Fee waived for 2024)
- $164 Capital Assessment
- 10 hours of volunteer service per year
(or pay a $500 work assessment fee)
- Small Boat/Dinghy Membership $874
- 5 hours of volunteer service per year
(or pay a $250 work assessment fee)
- 5 hours of volunteer service per year
- Social Membership $655
- Emeritus Membership $655
- Slips – $155/ft plus Non-Launch membership.
- Small Sailboat storage on floating dock – $200 additional with any membership
Apply for Membership or Get More Info
Or email us at .